Wednesday, May 30, 2012

the dress and the drama

It's time for a wedding post.  Yes I'm engaged. I haven't shared that yet but I am.  The farmer still has pictures of the engagement on his camera that he can't seem to locate.  So until I have visual proof take my word that I'm engaged!!

With planting season here now and harvest coming in the fall there are few months in a year we can get married.  It looks like we'll be having a winter wedding.  Meaning I now have 8 months to get my rear in gear and start planning the wedding. 

It really helps that my parent's friends and my family are so open to help us with the wedding.  My mom's friend offered to throw an engagement party and help me with my invitations. She's an artist with 2 sons that have no intention of getting married soon so she's itching for a wedding. 
My aunt offered to buy my wedding dress which would be a huge load off of my personal expenses, as I was expecting to buy it for myself. Moving to West Texas was the first step in preparing for the wedding.  It helped me cut back on living expenses leaving me room to save.  Saving is the only way to have the wedding of my dreams.  It was a sacrifice I was willing to take but it turned out not everybody is as open minded as I am. 

When my mom heard about my aunt offering to buy my dress she would not have it.  She feels it is the mothers role to buy the dress.  I have never been married before so I have no clue! I've read multiple wedding books and it's tradition for the brides family to pay for the wedding so I guess dress falls into that category.  I do remember reading you should accept all gifts unless it causes tension. I wouldn't have accepted this gift from my aunt if I thought it would cause tension.  And honestly I was blind sided when my mother shared her feeling of rejection.  In no way did I purposly intend to reject my mother and in no way did my mom offer to help with the wedding initially. Hence me changing my lifestyle to make this event happen.

The day before I moved to west Texas, while the Uhaul is full and sitting in the driveway my mom extends her financial help and requests it goes toward buying the dress. She also wants to be included in all things wedding which is understandable as the mother of the bride.  

It's been a month since the move, so hopefully things have smoothed over...  I'll be traveling to Dallas this weekend for my littlest sisters dance recital and I plan on doing some dress shopping if possible.

My thoughts on wedding dresses are:

A) most personal photos are taken from the waist up do be sure your dress is interesting from the waist up.

B) I'm big busted so I need straps. Cannot do strapless

C) Farmer likes my shoulders so try to show those.

D) minimize the booty

E) find something comfortable. Meaning I can sit down in it, dance in it, kneel and stand in it but also it's not so  stuffy that it's not a representation of me, it won't look good in cowboy boots and I look out off place in my elegant farm wedding. No backless silk plunging neckline going on here....

I'm leaning toward something like this:

I'll let you know how it goes.  Hopefully no more drama!

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