Thursday, June 14, 2012

I surrender!!!

I've given up!  Ok, maybe I haven't given up but I am surrendering.  I surrender all wedding planning to my wedding coordinator.  It's hard enough trying to please everyone, but it's even harder trying to please them while I'm 300 miles away.  My amazing fiance keeps reminding me that it doesn't matter what everyone else wants, all that matters is what I want.  But I'm not that person. 
Believe it or not, I'm a giver.  I don't think I've always been a giver, but more recently I've put others before myself.  I'm trying to live a 'saint-like' life so I guess that's why.  But at the end of the day it's like "DID YOU NOT SEE WHAT I JUST DID FOR YOU!  HELLO!! A LITTLE CREDIT HERE"  But I'm not getting that credit and it's not important that I do.  It's more important to be an example of service and faith.  My boss suggested I read this book, Jesus of Nazareth, so hopefully that will provide some insight for me.  How did Jesus handle always being the good guy?  I know he threw that fit in the temple, but on an everyday basis, how did he suck it up and keep on keeping on?

St. Isabella of Portugal
Patron Saint of Brides
Pray for me!
My fiance is also a giver and sometimes we clash.  For example: He had a 5 gallon jug of gasoline and offered to put it in my car (free gas!) and I said "no, no, put it in your truck".  And he was hurt that I didn't take his offering.  But I thought I was sacrificing and putting him first.  It was funny when we talked about it at the end of the day, he told me "if someone offers you something you take it".  He has told me that before so I guess I'm not getting the message.

Got off track there, sorry.  So I'm hiring a wedding coordinator!  That way everyone can get mad at her if they don't get their way. 

As I interviewed her I asked a few questions:

a) What about your job do you love? 
     her answer: "the details, I love each and every detail coming together to create your wedding.  I love your happiness at the end of the day"

GREAT answer.  I'm a detail person and it's the details of this wedding that are driving me crazy.

b) What is the one thing you notice brides always forget or overlook? because I feel like I'm forgetting something
     her answer: "When a bride hires me we are always on track and nothing falls between the cracks, but the one thing they don't do is take my advice.  They hire me as a professional and don't listen to my professional advice so that's one flaw some brides have." 

I thought that was a good honest answer.  I could see myself telling her I know best and then my decision ruining the wedding.  And what's the point of paying her 20% of our wedding budget if I can't let her do her job.  Then I'll look like a fool TWICE! 

I really do like this chick, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to hire her.  Her fee is 20% of the wedding budget, but at this point I'm ok with that because this planning process is not fun for me right now.  Knowing she's in charge will help keep things fun and relaxed!

St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Patron Saint of Young Brides
Pray for me

 Living Life to the Fullest with a support team of dedicated women!


1 comment:

  1. I just got an e-mail from her with advice including: Most of all breathe! Hiring a planner should make everything WAY more fun :)

    We're already on the same page! I can breathe again!
