Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dr Oz says:

Well, Oprah had her last show and it looks like Dr Oz is taking her time slot.  Why?  Because everyone wants to talk about healthy living.  Not everyone can relate to Nate the decorator or Dr. Phil the psychologist, but health - everyone is concerned about their health and their future. 
and The OZ talks health!

I've always been a fan of Dr. Oz and now that I'm with USANA I decided to see what he had to say about nutritional.  Dr. Oz says to include these in your daily diet:
Baby Aspirin
Vitamin D
Sunshine vitamin!
Milk, Yogurt
Salmon, Fish Oil
Remember this is Dr. Oz's  DAILY recommendation
In a good week I'll eat salmon once a week.  Turns out I'm missing out on Omega-3's 6 days of the week- yikes!.  And milk, well who are we kidding, no one drinks milk without eating cookies.  So instead of eating cookies everyday to get milk/calcium intake, looks like I'll need to take a supplement instead. 
You may be thinking, ugh a pill?! this is sad....can't I get my nutrition from the food I eat?  Unfortunately we can't.  Well, we can we just need to eat ALOT of food.  

For example: The US Food and Drug Administration recommends ~2,400 IU of Vitamin A.  Spinach is a great source of Vitamin A and maybe you like to eat spinach salads.  1 cup of spinach has 2,813 IU of Vitamin A. reference So as long as you eat one cup of spinach a day, you are good to go!  Are you going to do that?  Oh wait - where are you going to get your Vitamin B?  and your Vitamin C?  and your Iron? and your Calcium?  Do you really want to plan out your meals every day to be sure you are meeting all of your vitamin requirements?  It's ridiculous!! I don't know about you but spinach every day for a week does NOT sound appetizing.  I would probably end up hating spinach after that month. 
But honestly, I don't have the time to count calories and vitamins and minerals in my food!  There's no app for that (yet).  And as you read above, even Dr. Oz says to just take a multivitamin to be sure you're on the right track.  This multivitamin will do more than get your on the right track... It will allow you to enjoy that spinach salad once a week.  You'll be able to enjoy your meals, your extra time without counting calories, and you will enjoy your life!  Your healthy life full of all the vitamins and minerals you need to function as the human being God created in his likeness.
You'll see on here that the medical world is unsure how to respond to the fact that the FDA does not regulate supplements.  Dr Robin Miller says:

"I believe there is a bias in conventional medicine against nutritional supplements. Part of the reason for this is the fact that supplements are not regulated by the FDA so it is often hard to know the quality and quantity of each supplement. In addition, conventional physicians like to see extensive scientific evidence when it comes to supplements that their patients use and often that evidence is not available.

However, there are some supplements that are making their way to conventional medicine. For example fish oil is recommended by the American Heart Association for heart health. SamE was studied by researchers at Harvard and found to be helpful in depression. Coenzyme Q10 is recommended by many mainstream physicians to help protect the muscles of patients taking statin drugs.

Despite the bias, there are supplements that will become part of conventional medicine as they continue to be studied."

I find it interesting that the FDA (the government) won't regulate supplements, but it will regulate the food grown in the US.  And even though the food is "regulated" it doesn't mean it's the best product out there.  It just means they know how it's grown and it meets standards: governmental standards
As you know there are plenty of supplements out there and they meet standards too - their own company standards.  I'm proud to stay USANA meets standards too: standards for the USA Olympic team, standards for Medical doctors, standards for Pharmacists, potency standards and they've met my standards too.  I hope this blog post got you thinking and I hope the thought of missing out on a healthy life sticks with you.  I hope it leads you to make smart choices in your meals throughout this week and weekend.  I hope you may even consider visiting the USANA website to learn more about nutritional supplements. 

and I hope you remember, it's time to ENJOY your meals and ENJOY LIFE!

Living Life to the Fullest - and enjoying every minute!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

What types of memories did you make today?  Did you remember who this day is for?  In case you didn't know this day is for the military men and women who have lost their lives in combat.  Could you imagine being in the military?  Is your body in the kind of shape that "when duty calls" you would be able to answer?  Not many of us can say "My body is ready for duty!"  Wouldn't it be great if we could?!?  There is no longer a military draft in the USA, so we wouldn't be called to duty - but that doesn't mean we can't call ourselves to our own private mission.  Our mission to get in shape - our mission to become healthy in mind body and spirit. 

So as we remember those who've given the ultimate sacrifice today, let's think of what we can sacrifice in our own lives.  A trip to McDonald's?  An extra cup of coffee?  Could you sacrifice 30 minutes a day to take a walk?  Try!  And if you're willing to start that journey, consider the USANA journey as well.  By joining USANA you help your friends and family get healthy.  So that days like today hanging by the pool, at the lake, in the backyard...these days are full of memories of healthy friends and family for many years to come!


Living Life to the Fullest....while creating healthy memories this Memorial day!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I am so excited to be making a huge change in my life!  I've had a fortunate past and really took alot for granted.  Now that I'm out in the "real world" I've realized nothing is handed to you on a silver platter.  Don't get my wrong, I have a great job and I love going to work every day!  However, there is a part of my life that is empty...I've been anticipating something (or someone) to come into my life and change it for the better.  But I've never been willing to manifest that occurring!!

Well - now I am manifesting my destiny.  I am creating the second income I always dreamed of.  No, it won't hug me through the night to keep me warm, but it will help pay the electricity bill!

I look forward to sharing my journey with USANA on this blog.  If you'd like to learn more about USANA visit my website at http://www.livelifetothefullest.usana.com/ or call/e-mail me!!  I'd love to experience this journey with you!

-Living Life to the Fullest with USANA!