When it rains, it pours....
As I take the time to read blogs written by my collages and comrades I realize while some blogs are direct and instumental to a certain industry (tech reviews, wedding trend forcasts, etc) many have an underlying philosophical message.
I read one from a self-proclaimed Blackberry addict/enforcer. His underlying message was to ask for what you want. If you don't ask, you'll never know what you can't have...
Another "professional" blogger discussed social media in 2010. The saying "It's not personal, it's business" doesn't pertain to the buisness world anymore. Today business is extremely personal and on many different levels. People are putting themselves out there on blogs and they are tweeting what they are doing at every moment because they want you to know! They want you to know them - they want your product to work for them. These same people read blogs and their "tweeps" tweets because they want to know you too. Some people even want you to know where they have been throughout the city all day...
My last blog example: a mother of 5, who I shouldn't be able to relate to at this point in my life, is blogging every day about her children, her past and her future. I just finished reading her 4th of "100 days of blogging" and I'm excited to read about her journey. Her thoughts could be any woman's thoughts and I am any woman.